Tuesday, May 27, 2008

And the winner is.....

kim said...
I love the way the cemeteries "come alive" with flowers that leave marks of love and memories from loved ones. Recently a family friend shared a story about a discovery at her daughter's gravestone. Their daughter had been killed in a car accident in their driveway at a young age and for the past thirty plus years someone had remembered her and placed flowers. Every year her family would leave flowers but every year they were the second to arrive never knowing where the compassionate kindness was coming from. Well about three years ago they arrived at the cemetery just as the other family was leaving. The thoughtful act was from the babysitter who said she "was the last one to see the little girl alive and always felt like a special witness." Such a small act she had faithfully done for so many years and it meant so much to the other family.

Kim, please email me at niklin@optonline.net with your address so that I can send you your prize pack. Thank you to everyone that had left me a message about your day. There will be another contest coming soon so check back to see what you can win next!!!!!


Unknown said...


Dapoppins said...

I will not whine with jealousy. Really. Cause her comment was great.


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