Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day GIVE AWAY

This is my first give away and I think that the lucky winner will be very happy with this pack. It will include TOOOONNNNNSSSSSS(TONS) of scrolls and die cuts. So all you have to do is leave a comment about memorial day and what you plan on doin / someone that you look up to/ someone that has done something amazing OR just leave me a happy note and you may just be the lucky winner of this amazing offer. Trust me it is well worth over $25.00 at least!!!!!!!!!! So start typing and show someone that you love or want to remember how special they are.

I will leave you with my comment (of course I can't win).
I will be celebrating the holiday with: first watching my husband march with his marching band in one parade and honoring all the men and women out there. Second, I will be going to watch our fire department march in another parade down the block from the one he is at. And third, I will be at a BBQ praying that it is going to be nice out for once. Oh before the BBQ I will be at the Fire house taking photos of the memorial service honoring those amazing people.

So there you have it, that is what I will b doin so now it is your turn to tell me what you are up to. (Oh, Yes I will be taking a break for ONE day and NOT (well try not to) do work on Monday). We all need one day to regroup. K off to do more work before I hit my fluff pillow. HEHE.


Anonymous said...

I try to stay home on Memorial day. I live down the street from the March Air Force Base/Riverside National Cemetery in California and the streets are packed with people/motorcycles. The only way to get around that day is by foot.


Anonymous said...

This weekend finds me at a graduation party, having dinner with family, and hopefully going to a drive in theater.Going to be painting my deck come monday. Thanks for a chance to win these beautiful pieces!
digiscrapgurl at yahoo dot com.

Dapoppins said...

I follow your blog because I love your them!

I hope to visit my Grandpa in the Veteran's Hospital on Memorial Day. If it is sunny out, my kids and I will wheel him outside into the sunshine.

I usually post the same post on Memorial day too. About love lost, and remembrance. It is a big deal for me to remember to post it, lol.

Am I entered? Did I tell you I think your designs are amazing?

(My email is on my blogger profile.)

Pearl said...

Your die cut designs are just beautiful ! I've just discovered your blog !

I'm in Singapore so we don't have a Memorial Weekend but we have loads to remember nevertheless - we are still reeling from the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake even though we aren't so near - dubbed China's Katrina. Before that it was the typhoon disaster in Myanmar . There are many efforts to raise aid & funds to go to these areas from here.

BethW7372 said...

I'm just hanging out at home, went to Joanns & Michaels & AC Moore last night, got the Threading Water punch everyone is so crazy about, and tape runner refill.and today going to the flea market. :)

Kathleen Taylor said...

I was on the Etsy site for the first time and I cam across your scrolls! I love love loveeee your scrolls! WOW! Just gorgeous!

This weekend I will be going to my parents for a party. Then my hubby is taking the twins camping for a few days. So, it will be just me and my little 5 month old boy. And did I mention I will be scrapbooking? Not that is an awesome holiday for me. LOL

Ok I need to go back to your etsy shop. Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Kathleen Taylor said...

sorry forgot to put my

Anonymous said...

I am going to be going to a car show with my husband! The last Memorial Day I have off was 12 years ago. Im soooo exited!

Rusha said...

Love your designs, as I am sure you know since I keep buying from you!! Beautiful.

Well, I am a Canadian and we don't celebrate Memorial Day. In fact, I am not sure exactly what that is! Anyone care to enlighten me?

We do however celebrate Victoria Day, a week before your holiday - to honour the birthday of Queen Victoria. I didn't do much, it rained all day. I just hung out with my sweet boys and watched a movie in the evening.

Have a great holiday!!

Unknown said...

Since I don't live in the US I don't get the day off! I will start my day by volunteering to prepare and serve lunch to the needy women and children who attend the hot lunch program at the women's centre where I facilitate a support group for women with disabilities every Monday afternoon from 1-3pm. After my group is over I have another meeting for the facilitators at the centre. Then I will head home and enjoy a relaxing evening with a little tv and a good book until lights out.
I love your scrolls and have used them on my scrapbook pages. I just couldn't resist the opportunity to enter your contest! Thank you! And I hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day Celebrations!

Anonymous said...

I saw your scrolls on etsy - they are so pretty and elegant. I love the m&m and sea shell "scrapbooks" on your blog. Maybe tomorrow I'll have some time to be that creative! It's hard with a baby attached to my hip!

oh, my email is

Sasha Farina said...

We don't even have a Memorial day over here, so its work day as usual :)

~Sasha in Singapore

Emmeline Koh said...

I love your fantastic strolls! I'm a Singaporean student in Milan and therefore, no memorial holiday for me! School as usual! Hope everyone in States is having a great holiday though! =) Cheers

Emmeline at

kimmik said...

I love the way the cemeteries "come alive" with flowers that leave marks of love and memories from loved ones. Recently a family friend shared a story about a discovery at her daughter's gravestone. Their daughter had been killed in a car accident in their driveway at a young age and for the past thirty plus years someone had remembered her and placed flowers. Every year her family would leave flowers but every year they were the second to arrive never knowing where the compassionate kindness was coming from. Well about three years ago they arrived at the cemetery just as the other family was leaving. The thoughtful act was from the babysitter who said she "was the last one to see the little girl alive and always felt like a special witness." Such a small act she had faithfully done for so many years and it meant so much to the other family.

Renee Troy said...

Hi Nicole,
Your scrolls are lovely and look so wonderful on my altered photo book pages.
Today, I'm enjoying a beautiful, cool day in Los Angeles. I'll probably take a walk with my honey, have a picnic down the beach and relax. I work at home so in order for me to relax I have to leave my apartment otherwise it's too tempting to "just do one more thing".
Hope you have a relaxing and wonderful holiday Monday. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I just found your etsy store and from there your blog. Your stuff is great!

We had some company over for a cookout on Friday and then more company on Saturday and Sunday so we are having a quiet Memorial Day and remembering all our service men and women who sacrificed for our freedom

Rina said...

I love your work...I've been eyeing your stuff and so hard because I want it all...I definetly need to put an order in.

My memorial weekend was spent at home with family, cooking out and the little ones playing in the yard...although today I did sort of had to take my teenage son clothes shopping and that WAS NOT fun....and he's a boy!!! It turned out to be a very relaxing weekend!!!


Anonymous said...

This weekend turned out to be a drag in that I have a kidney stone and it doesn't seem to want to pass. So it's been two trips to the ER and a lot of cranberry juice!

Thank you so much for sharing your awesome designs! They're absolutely beautiful and I cannot wait to a place some of your "scrolls" in my scrapbook!

Be well!


may said...

i stayed home this memorial day..stayed in my pajamas..all i did was sleep eat and watch movies and tv all day! it was great! i hope you had a great day off as well!


Anonymous said...

My husband and I stayed at home this Memorial Day. I worked on cleaning up my scraproom. We also barbequed and made homemade icecream.

Anonymous said...

Hi there...Well, here in Vegas, it gets much too crazy to go out, so instead I took my daughter and son to see Indiana Jones...very cool. My son was in awe over the movie and my daughter has been in love with Shia Labouf since he was in a disney series Even Stevens. That was my fun night.(Acyually a great time) I also wanted to say I have just found your site and I am soooo happy. I need to pm you to order ALOT of items. I nver used etsy before and a friend of mine on SB.Com,Robinsberdz(??) gave me your etsy address and I'm so happy she did. Your work is incredible! See you soon, hope you had fun at the BBQ. Aloha, Jen


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